Monday, 22 April 2019

Understanding Authentic Journals, Predatory Journal, Journal Impact Factor and indexing

1) Authentic Journals: Authentic journals are those which are indexed into the database of Web of Science and Scopus. As these two database are different, Impact factor or Quartile ranking (Q1,Q2,Q3 etc.) are also different. Before Clarivate Analytics, Thompson Reuters looked after the database and indexing of Web of Science. Through SJR website quartile ranking can be checked. For checking journals here is the link below:

2) Predatory Journals: Predatory journals are fake or illegal journals those are published in terms of money without peer reviews. In another words, predatory journals refer to open-access publishing is an exploitative open-access academic publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without providing the editorial and publishing services associated with legitimate journals (open access or not).Sometimes the writing is published in 7 to 15 days. There is no benefit of science in this. Day by day it is increasing. And the victim of it is the researchers of developing country like us. The librarian Jefrey Beall of Colorado University in the United States called these journals as immoral journal and prepared a list of the global predatory journal. The link of it: / Predatory Journals are sometimes called as hijacked journals.

   Sometimes, predatory journals also organize predatory conferences which has no scientific value like journals. You can read the following articles to know better (

3) Impact Factor: Impact factor determines the distinction among good journals established by Clarivate Analytics and scopus. The journal that has more than 10 impact factor is obviously a very good journal.

4) Indexing:
       • Non-Indexed 
             •There are a number of journals (having ISSN) which are not indexed by any indexing bodies... 
        • Indexed 
            • EconLit, Cabell, Academic Research, Business Index, PsycINFO, ABI Inform, etc.

           • Citation indexed – SCOPUS, ISI (Institute for Scientific Information)

How to Find the journal that is right for your research

1. Willey:
  • =match 
2. Elsevier:

3. Springer

4.Sage Journal 

5. Emerald 

6. Springer

7. ScienceDirect 
  • als-and-books
Citation Indexed
  • ISI (Institute for Scientific Information)  
  • Impact Factor
What is ISI?
  • ISI stands for Institute for Scientific Information (lSI) 
  • It was founded by Dr. Eugene Garfield in 1960. It was part of Thomson Reuters company, Philadelphia, USA 
  • Now it is owned by Clarivate Analytics ( ) 
  • ISI covers thousands of academic journals which are available via ISI’s Web of Knowledge (part of web of Science) database service
Top Three ISI-Indexing services
  • Science Citation Index (SCI) or Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) 
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) 
  • Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) 
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
How to find an ISI-Indexed journal 
  • There is a ISI Master List 
  • Link: 
  • Submit Journal Name or Print ISSN number (most of the time) of any journal to check its in the ISI database or not
JCR (Journal Citation Reports)
  • JCR is an annual publication by Clarivate Analytics (previously Thomson Reuters) 
  • JCR lists an impact factor for each of the journals that it tracks ( ) 
  • The impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period in other ISI-ranked journals 
  • The Impact Factor is published every June and corresponds to the previous year’s data.
  • Web of Science 
  • Link: mode=GeneralSearch&SID=E2Yo5pEpnolrlKDK3Sj&preferencesSaved=
  • JCR has been integrated with the Web of Science and is accessed from the Web of Science-Core Collections 
  •  It is published annually in two editions:
      – JCR Web Science Edition: Contains data from about 5,700 journals in the areas of science and technology. 
      – JCR Web Social Sciences Edition: Contains data from about 1,700 journals in the social sciences

  • Now all journals listed in ISI Master list may not be in JCR 
  • The lSI also publishes a list of highly cited researchers, one of the factors included in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (

List of Journals for language and linguistics:

1.  Journal of Memory and Language
2.  Cognitive Psychology
3 . Cognition
4.  Journal of Communication
5.  Research on Language and Social Interaction
6.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
7.  Language Learning
8.  Communication Theory
9.  Studies in Second Language Acquisition
10.  Artificial Intelligence
11.  Brain and Language
12.  Journal of Second Language Writing
13.  Communication Research
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition
15.  Cognitive Science
16.   Computer Assisted Language Learning
17.  Language Learning and Technology
18.  ReCALL
19.  Linguistic Inquiry
20.  Language Variation and Change
21.  Human Communication Research
22.  Applied Linguistics
23.  Assessing Writing
24.  Modern Language Journal
25.  European Journal of Communication
26.  Language Learning and Development
27.  Journal of Phonetics
28.  TESOL Quarterly
29.  Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
30.  International Journal of Audiology
31.  Journal of Fluency Disorders
32.  Bilingualism
33.  Discourse Processes
34.  Cognitive Linguistics
35.  Discourse Studies
36.  Reading and Writing
37. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
38.  Research in the Teaching of English
39. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools
40. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders
41.  Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
42.  Language and Education
43.  Natural Language Semantics
44.  Language, Cognition and Neuroscience
45.  Bilingual Research Journal
46. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
47.  Second Language Research
48. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
49.  Language
50.  Language Teaching Research

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