Sunday, 7 April 2019

Malaysian Fruits

Often called 'The 'King of fruits' . It has a thick thorny outer skin inside of which is the creamy, gelatinous ‘flesh’ .The smell and taste are truly unique.
Ciku, Sapodilla is a Berry with earthy brown flesh that has a very sweet and tasty flavor.
An elongated curved fruit, which grows in bunches, and has a sweet creamy flesh and a smooth yellow skin.
Large hard-shelled oval nut with a fibrous husk containing thick white meat surrounding a central cavity filled (when fresh) with fluid or milk 

Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) is a fruit of the Cactus species. It has a sweet creamy pulp and a delicate aroma. 
Subtropical fruit with green skin and sweet, pinkish or yellowish flesh. 
Also known as Winter Melon. The fruit has a smooth white rind and sweetish white or greenish flesh.
A species of tree of the mulberry family.  The flesh of the fruit is yellow and has a fragrant smell and taste.
The fruit is covered by yellowish, thick, leathery skin. Underneath the skin, the fruit is divided into five or six slices of translucent, juicy flesh. The flesh is slightly acidic in taste, although ripe specimens are sweeter. 
This tropical fruit, the size of a small pear, has fragrant, juicy, sweet flesh when fully ripe.  It is rich in Vitamin C, B and E.

This round ribbed fruit native to Malaysia has a thick, tough dark red skin that protects ajuicy, delicate white interior divided into five or six individual segments. It can be eaten fresh.

It is a large yellow citrus fruit native to southeastern Asia and Malaysia. It has a sweet flesh and is about 25 centimeters in diameter.

A relation of the lychee, this exotic fruit has a brown or red leathery skin with soft spines and a white, translucent flesh that resembles the lychee. 
SOUR  SOP  (Durian Belanda)
The fruit has large, dark-green, slightly acidic and pulpy flesh. It is creamy and a little sourish sweet.
It is a deeply ridged yellow-green tropical fruit; used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert 
Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan, is a tropical tree that produces edible fruit

•The longan ("Dragon Eye"), is so named because it resembles an eyeball when its fruit is shelled.

•The seed is small, round and hard, and of an enamel-like, lacquered black.
Water Cherry (Jambu Air)
Its common names include Watery Rose Apple, and Lau Lau; names like "water apple" and "bell fruit“.

•The fruit is a fleshy yellow or red berry which is bell shaped, waxy and crisp.
•The fruit has a very mild and slightly sweet taste similar to apples, and a crisp watery texture like the inside of a watermelon 

Courtesy to:  Dr. Mohamed Ayyub Bin Hassan
                    School of Human Resource Development & Psychology
                              University Technology Malaysia (UTM)

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