Friday, 23 January 2015

Read a Project

I have read three projects and chosen one of them which is written by Prem Bahadur Phyak from Nepal URL:

This project is written on how to teach academic writing to Masters’ students of the Department of English of Tribhuvan University, Nepal using technology especially different websites. Though the department has limited number of resources even it does not have internet access. In the beginning of the project Mr. Prem has provided his students some websites for reading sample of articles, for preparing research design method and for knowing APA style which are based on students’ need.  Students are accessing into internet outside the classroom. And when they explore their materials they feel enthusiasm for accessing more.
To do it students sometimes feel some problems e.g. some do not have email ID, blog  etc. Mr. Prem has tried to solve them meeting regularly. After few days he has found positive response and reflection from students on using technology for learning and teaching, research and academic skill. Students are reported that websites provide them a wide range of resources and information. Thus the integration of technology and teaching academic writing brings a fruitful change in the mind of students.

My comment:
I am highly pleased to read Mr. Prem’s project that the setting of class is less or more similar with that of in Bangladesh. We, Bangladeshi also face load shedding; many schools and colleges do not have internet access. Students/Teachers who have e-mail or blog they do not use for educational purpose. This project opens my mind that we can easily integrate technology and lesson.

Thank You.
Prodhan mahbub

1 comment:

  1. I am also highly pleased to read your two post for the week. They not only wrapped up the week, but were motivating. The way you started the first post of using technology to enhance language teaching reminds the readers of the post of their duty as teachers to do their best in learning technology to help students and empower them. The second post it also highly motivating as the teacher used technology behind the walls of the classroom and really played a great role in empowering his students. Wow!
