Saturday, 17 January 2015

A.B.C.D Method

Here I have followed A.B.C.D. method for piking up objective of my class.

Audience(A): Undergraduate student of 1st year 1st semester of the department of English.

Behavior (B): To improve their skill using English orally for communicative purpose.

Condition(C): English is taught here as a foreign language.Students are given some models of interactions with different people e.g shopkeepers, taxi-driver etc.

Degree(D): To grade students according to how much accuracy they have gained from their task.

If we practice such for a period of time we can gain our goal.

Best Regards.
Prodhan Mahbub

1 comment:

  1. The idea of practice is what we really forget as teachers. We always ask our students to practice and say that practice makes perfect but as teachers we forget to do it ourselves. After reading the ABCD model and your comment you highlighted an idea of practicing it and putting it in our mind whenever we teach, give classwork or homework. Thank you for raising the idea of practice.
