We are at the end of week-7 and near to our final work. This week is very important in many aspects. First time I am introduced with learner autonomy. Learner autonomy facilitates engaging learners in the class. It is said here less teaching much learning. To assist learner autonomy I am introduced with one computer classroom and using mobile in classroom. Both computer and mobile related activities facilitate learner autonomy in the class and out of the classroom. Through these activities learners are also grown up with the sense of evaluating other scripts.
Padlet is the nice virtual wall which facilitates learner autonomy in the class or out of class. Here students can easily post relate to their lesson. They can also evaluate or share their information with one another. The most benefit of this wall is that we can create padlet for each lesson or topic.
I have emailed Pema Chodup to be my peer review partner and also asked Pema to add our Partner-3. Finally, I am highly pleased to thank Pema to do it. I also thank Elena Galichkina working with us.
Right now I am busy with my project plan and hope to complete it on time.
Best Wishes.