Thursday, 12 March 2015


This Webskill course has enriched the mind of faculty of teaching in many ways. The first and foremost thing that I have learned how can I integrate technology in the class. To do it several activities and practices I have done here. 

1.       Creating and using Blog
2.       Using and storing online resources in delicious
3.       Web searching
4.       Knowing and getting idea about ABCD model.
5.       Using Google docs
6.       Using Rubrics
7.       Making WebQuest.
8.       Writing Power Point Presentation.
9.       Creating ICA through Nicenet
10.   Writing PBL.

All the above tools we can use in our classes easily. These types of activities facilitate learning and motivate learners too. They also make class interactive and provide learner autonomy.
I would like to thank our instructors Mr. Robert Elliott and Mr. Russell Moon for their congeniality and cordiality.

Sunday, 8 March 2015


In this week many interesting matter I have learned. I have learned about different types of learning strategies and learners. I have come to know about active and reflective, sensing and intuitive, visual and verbal and sequential and global. Different types of learners influence on teaching style differently. A good teacher always tries to handle different learners innovatively.

I have also gathered knowledge about multiple intelligence. Scholar Howard Gardner advocates nine types multiple intelligence such as verbal- linguistics, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, bodily/ kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist and existentialist.

Depending on learners technology can be used to facilitate learning in each intelligence area. On the other hand the use of integration of technology in the class will enrich the faculty of intelligence of learners. To me, using nicenet, blog, padlet, PBL, Webquest, rubrics, QuickTime Karaoke and PPt in class may facilitate learner autonomy and prompt learning.

In this week I have submitted my final report with the help of my partner Mr. Pema. I am very much pleased to him.

Best of Luck to All.

Sunday, 1 March 2015


This week is very interesting, full of tasks related to technology in the classroom. In this week I wrote my first draft of project plan and sent to my partner Mr. Pema Chodup and also received his draft and interchanged our checklist.

To implement technology in class to engage my students I have created an ICA in nicenet. The link is Here students can get resources related to their topics and take part in discussion what they will have learnt from the resources.  

I have also created a websites on google sites, the link is In this website, students will get their necessary resources.

Another important matter is that I have also created worksheet on web poster wizard to engage my students in the class and out of class with task. The link is

Moreover, I have also created Bingo board with audio to practice my students’ listening activities. The link is posted in the week 8 resources.

Besides these I have learnt other activities based on technology which is most useful in classroom. These sorts of activities facilitate learner autonomy in classroom. I do belief that if we can use all sorts of such activities for different lessons obviously there will be a great change in the class and language learning will be prompt.  

Best of Luck.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

How does time fly!

We are at the end of week-7 and near to our final work. This week is very important in many aspects. First time I am introduced with learner autonomy. Learner autonomy facilitates engaging learners in the class. It is said here less teaching much learning. To assist learner autonomy I am introduced with one computer classroom and using mobile in classroom. Both computer and mobile related activities facilitate learner autonomy in the class and out of the classroom. Through these activities learners are also grown up with the sense of evaluating other scripts.

Padlet is the nice virtual wall which facilitates learner autonomy in the class or out of class. Here students can easily post relate to their lesson. They can also evaluate or share their information with one another. The most benefit of this wall is that we can create padlet for each lesson or topic.

I have emailed Pema Chodup to be my peer review partner and also asked Pema to add our Partner-3. Finally, I am highly pleased to thank Pema to do it. I also thank Elena Galichkina working with us.

Right now I am busy with my project plan and hope to complete it on time.

Best Wishes.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Use technology Engage Learners

‘Learning is most effective when the learner is the initiator of the learning process’.-Alan C. McLean

This week is very much enjoyable for learning many things. Especially how can we make our class interactive and how can we engage our students with lesson in the class. I do believe above pragmatic statement in the class where learners are active learning must be prompt.

To me power point presentation of the lesson may ease cooperative activities in the class. The class will be divided into some groups.  In the beginning of the class there will be some questions on the topic learners discuss themselves and reply. On the basis of the questions the whole class will be covered with headings/hints related to the topic.

Another important technique to engage learners in the class is jigsaw. Jigsaw is the technique in which four skills are held simultaneously. The best cooperative/interactive learning activities in the class possibly happen through it.

Project Based Learning (PBL) also facilitates engaging learners in the class. If we make PBL on our lesson and do it part by part in the class learners will be active.

Moreover, technology may engage learners most in the class and out of the class. If we design PPT, Jigsaw and PBL with references to some useful web addresses in which learners may find their related topic, practice their tasks and respond.

I have this into my mind to apply in my class from the next. I did not get class this week as my students are in preparatory period for their coming examination. So, at this moment I am not allowed to apply new techniques for them. Previously I mentioned that most of my students have e-mail, ABC knowledge to use Internet and less or more know about blog. Finally, most of them have smart phones or computer or laptop. For this reason I am hopeful that I do apply my plan after their examination.

Best Wishes
Prodhan Mahbub

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Week-5# Reflection

The 5th week is very interesting for me in some regards:

Firstly, I have come to know all about rubrics and alternative assessment. Rubrics are multidimensional sets of scoring guidelines which are used to provide consistency in evaluating student’s work. Alternative assessment is a non-traditional approach in judging student’s performance. It emphasizes and evidences the learning process as an active demonstration of knowledge.  Both assessment tools are very effective in language classroom.  To motivate students we should make our students active in class. We also should analysis their needs and evaluate their opinions to prompt learning. Here rubrics and alternative assessment will work well.

Secondly, Project Based Learning (PBL) is a very new one to me which is inquiry based, curriculum based and interdisciplinary. Here students may work group wise or individually to solve the challenging. It is very helpful if it is designed from the beginning of the class to the end.
Thirdly, first time I come to know WebQuest which is an inquiry oriented activity that uses resources on the web. It helps students to develop problem solving and decision making skills. It has six components such as introduction, task, process, evaluation, conclusion and teacher page. To me it is a very effective for learning language. I have tried to create my webquest.
Last but not the least, I firmly believe that this E-Teacher program (Webskills) unquestionably is bringing changes in our class.

Best Regards